How to Take PC1

For dropper bottles - 555

5 bangs, 5 drops, 5 seconds

  • Take once daily. Bang the bottle with force on a book or a wooden surface 5 times to activate and then immediately put 5 drops into a teaspoon, then into the mouth.
  • Keep it in the mouth, under the tongue, for at least 5 seconds before swallowing. Do not eat or drink just before and after taking it for 5 minutes.


  • The water must remain crystal clear. Never contaminate it by putting any liquid back in the bottle or touching the opening with the fingers or mouth or by drinking directly from the bottle, and always close it properly. If the water is not clear, it is contaminated and you need a fresh bottle.
  • Keep the remedy in a cool place out of extreme heat and direct sunlight.
  • The time of day you take it is not important. Select a time easy for you to remember, like directly on waking or just before going to sleep.

For water bottles - 515

5 bangs, 1 spoon, 5 seconds

  • Take once daily. Before taking the remedy bang the bottle with force on a book or a wooden surface 5 times. Take a teaspoonful directly from the bottle likewise into the mouth.
  • Keep it in the mouth, under the tongue, for at least 5 seconds before swallowing.
  • Do not eat or drink just before and after taking it for 5 minutes.


  • The water must remain crystal clear. Never contaminate it by putting any liquid back in the bottle or touching the opening with the fingers or mouth or by drinking directly from the bottle, and always close it properly. If the water is not clear, it is contaminated and you need a fresh bottle.
  • Keep the remedy in a cool place out of extreme heat and direct sunlight.
  • The time of day you take it is not important. Select a time easy for you to remember, like directly on waking or just before going to sleep.

PC1 is natural, safe and without side effects.


Amma Resonance Healing Foundation
P.O. Box 68
9750 AB Haren
Registration number (RSIN): 8179.16.714

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