How to Prepare PC1

PC1 Preparation Instruction Cards (PDF)

If available, prepare the PC1 remedy in a dropper bottle. If not, use a sealed bottle of mineral water.

  • PC1AF is for females

  • PC1AM for males

PC1 is safe for pregnant women, babies, small children, older people and those on ARVs.

Never stop ARVs unless the doctor advises you to do so.

10-50 ml dropper bottles

  • Put mineral water or purified water (this gives at least 3 months shelf life) into a clean 10-50 ml dropper bottle. If available and no problem for the patient use. 80% water and 20% medical alcohol or vodka to increase shelf life
  • Then add 1 granule and let it soak for 15 minutes
  • Then bang the bottle 5 times with force on a solid surface (wood or book). Now it is ready for use
  • Label the bottle PC1AF or PC1AM and clearly add the person’s name! Althoughcompletely safe, avoid others considering it to be drinking water by first removing the original label and by putting it in a safe place (not in the fridge)

250-330-500ml mineral water bottles

  • Take a 250 or 330 to 500 ml bottle of still mineral water. If available and no problem for the patient pour out 20% of the water and replace by medical alcohol or vodka to increase shelf life
  • Then add 1 granule and let it soak for 15 minutes
  • Then bang the bottle 5 times with force on a solid surface (wood or book). Now it is ready for use
  • Label the bottle PC1AF or PC1AM and clearly add the person’s name! Although completely safe, avoid others considering it to be drinking water by first removing the original label and by putting it in a safe place (not in the fridge)

Amma Resonance Healing Foundation
P.O. Box 68
9750 AB Haren
Registration number (RSIN): 8179.16.714

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